«РосКо – Консалтинг и аудит» («РосКо») - Группа компаний, представляющая широкий спектр услуг в области аудита, оценки, налогового и правового консалтинга, бухгалтерского обслуживания и МСФО.
четверг, 24 июля 2014 г.
среда, 23 июля 2014 г.
Несвоевременная сдача отчетности: последствия (штрафы, блокировка банковских счетов)
Несвоевременная сдача отчетности: последствия (штрафы, блокировка банковских счетов)
вторник, 22 июля 2014 г.
Что можно использовать в качестве доказательства оплаты покупки имущества у физлица?
Что можно использовать в качестве доказательства оплаты покупки имущества у физлица?
При ликвидации предприятия Минфин не может остановить начисление пеней и штрафов
При ликвидации предприятия Минфин не может остановить начисление пеней и штрафов
понедельник, 21 июля 2014 г.
пятница, 18 июля 2014 г.
Арендная плата за участки с неразграниченной собственностью может регулироваться
Арендная плата за участки с неразграниченной собственностью может регулироваться
четверг, 17 июля 2014 г.
Rosco Şirketi Unicredit bankasının partneri olan akredite edilmiştir
Unicredit bankası tarafından verilen sertifika Rosko Şirketi’nin bankanın resmi borsa simsarı statüsüne sahip olduğunu göstermektedir.
Çin firması ‘Deli’ RosCo Şirketi’nin müşteri listesine dahil olmuştur
RosCo Şirketi’nin geniş müşteri listesine uluslararası alanda faaliyetini sürdüren kırtasiye ürün üreticisi ve tedarikçisi durumundaki ‘Deli’ şirketi eklenmiştir.
Şirketimiz Temmuz 2014’te ‘Primekss’ uluslararası şirketi ile ticari işbirliğine başlamıştır
RosCo Şirketi uluslararası beton döşeme üretim ve ihracat faaliyetini sürdüren Primekss (http://www.primekss.com) şirketine danışmanlık ve hukuki destek hizmetlerini sunmaya başlamıştır.
Rosco Şirketi uzman kadrosu ile MNG Şirketler Topluluğu’nun Rusya Federasyonu’ndaki faaliyeti sırasında hukuki destek vermektedir
‘Rosko- Danışmanlık ve denetim hizmetleri’ Şirketi ile Türkiye’nin ve dünyanın çeşitli sektörlerindeki en büyük yatırımcılarından biri olan MNG Şirketler Topluluğu’nun inşaat alanındaki temsilciliği arasında hukuki hizmet sözleşmesi imzalanmıştır.
Rosko Şirketi ile endüstri sektöründe faaliyetini sürdüren ODE Şirketi arasındaki işbirliğine başlanmıştır
Şirketimiz 1988 yılında İstanbul şehrinde kurulan Türk şirketi ‘ODE’nin (http://www.ode.com.tr) Rusya Federasyonu’ndaki alt kuruluşuna hukuki alandaki danışmanlık ve muhasebe hizmetlerini sunmaktadır.
Rosco Şirketi Estonya Denizcilik Ajansı’nın Rusya’daki ticari faaliyetinin ‘feneri’ rolünü üstlenmiştir
Rosco Şirketi Estonya Denizcilik Ajansı’nın Rusya’daki ticari faaliyetinin ‘feneri’ rolünü üstlenmiştir
Rosko Şirketi ile POLA İnc. Şirketi arasında Rusya Federasyonu’ndaki ticari faaliyetini destek sözleşmesi imzalanmıştır
Rosko Şirketi ile POLA İnc. Şirketi arasında Rusya Federasyonu’ndaki ticari faaliyetini destek sözleşmesi imzalanmıştır
‘Polen Tantuni’ Rosco Şirketi’nin müşteri listesine dahil olmuştur
Türk fast food lokantalar zinciri ‘Polentantuni’ http://www.polentantuni.com/) RosCo Şirketi ile Rusya’daki ticari faaliyetileri için hukuki ve muhasebe destek sözleşmesini imzalamıştır.
Rosko Şirketi finans ve ekonomi alanında ödüller almıştır
2013 yılı Rosko Şirketi için Rusya’da düzenlenen uluslararası aktivitelerde ödüllendirilmesi açısından verimli geçmiştir.
RosCo Şirketi ile Ştetter gmbh şirketi arasında işbirliğine gitmektedir
RosCo Consulting & Audit şirketi muhasebe hizmetleri ve hukuki destek konularında Ştetter Gmbh şirketinin Rusya Federasyonundaki temsilciliği ile hizmet sözleşmesi imzalamıştır.
среда, 16 июля 2014 г.
Депутаты внесли законопроект о повторном рассмотрении административных правонарушений
Депутаты внесли законопроект о повторном рассмотрении административных правонарушений
вторник, 15 июля 2014 г.
RosCo is accredited as a partner of UniCredit Bank
UniCredit Bank has put RosCo on a list of its partners under the small and medium-sized business lending programs. The certificate issued by UniCredit Bank officially confirms acquisition by RosCo of a status of an authorized broker of the Bank.
RosCo has got a place at the top of the financial and economic Olympus
In particular, the list of achievements of the company was supplemented with a Diploma of a winner of the “Best Company 2013” International Economic Competition in the “Legal Services” nomination, as well as by a certificate on inclusion of RosCo | Consulting & audit into the register of Business Partners of the MFES (Interregional Financial and Economic Union).
Types of taxation in Russia
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Registration address of the company – reliable or not?
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Procedure of work with the tax authorities of the Russian Federation
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Reporting of foreign representative offices and branches
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Procedure of establishment of the representative office and branch of the foreign company
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Responsibility of the head of the organization
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
A residence permit in Russia: procedure of receipt
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
If the General Director of the foreign company and head of the representative office of this foreign company is one and the same person, who shall sign the general power of attorney for the head of the representative office?
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Reporting of foreign representative offices and branches
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Opening of the construction company: what one should know
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Is the founder liable for the company’s debts?
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
What amount of tariffs is envisaged for accreditation of the branch in Russia?
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
Can foreign citizens or foreign companies buy land in Russia?
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
We want to open LLC, 100% founded by the English company. What shall be provided for the English company: extract from the register or certificate of incorporation?
Registration of business in Russia, Accreditation of representative office, branch, Record keeping, Audit of accounting statements, Tax arbitrage, Pre-trial settlement of tax disputes, Tax and legal consultations, Contractual work, Tax audit, Express-audit, Due Diligence, HR records keeping, Statements according to IFRS, Zero accounting, Opening of bank accounts, Change of participants, making amendments
«RosCo» begins cooperation with Stetter GmbH
«RosCo» concluded a contract for provision of accounting and legal services with the representative office of Stetter GmbH in Russia.
Executive Director of «RosCo» Gorshanovas Elena Viktorovna took part in the round table «Possibilities of participation of small and medium business in Moscow state order as a form of support and development of small and medium business in the capital»
Executive Director of «RosCo» Gorshanovas Elena Viktorovna took part in the round table «Possibilities of participation of small and medium business in Moscow state order as a form of support and development of small and medium business in the capital»
понедельник, 14 июля 2014 г.
Deli Chinese company has become one of RosCo’ s clients
Deli Company (http://www.nbdeli.com), a well-known enterprise-provider of office supplies on the international market, joined RosCo’s list of clients .
In July 2014 the commercial interaction with the international company Primekss began
RosCo Company began providing consulting services to the international legal exporter-manufacturer of concrete floors of the well-known brand Primekss (http://www.primekss.com/en/).
Deli Chinese company has become one of RosCo’ s clients
Deli Company (http://www.nbdeli.com), a well-known enterprise-provider of office supplies on the international market, joined RosCo’s list of clients .
RosCo Company provides professional support to MNG GROUP business in Russia
RosCo - Consulting and Audit has signed a contract for the provision of legal services to the MNG construction company group, that is one of the largest investors in various business fields in Turkey and abroad.
RosCo Company has become a "beacon" for the Estonian Maritime Agency in developing business in Russia
RosCo Company specialists took the responsibility to provide professional legal services to the Russian branch of Estonian Maritime Agency, ESTMA.
RosCo and POLA Inc. signed a contract on the maintenance of commercial activities in Russia
RosCo has started cooperation with the well-known Japanese cosmetic company POLA Inc., based on the provision of qualitative legal services on the maintenance of commercial activity in Russia.
воскресенье, 13 июля 2014 г.
Rosco Şirketi uzman kadrosu ile Termikel Şirketler Grubu’na hukuki hizmetlerini sunmaktadır
Rosco Şirketi uzman kadrosu ile Termikel Şirketler Grubu’na hukuki hizmetlerini sunmaktadır
Rosko Şirketi ile endüstri sektöründe faaliyetini sürdüren ODE Şirketi arasındaki işbirliğine başlanmıştır
Rosko Şirketi ile endüstri sektöründe faaliyetini sürdüren ODE Şirketi arasındaki işbirliğine başlanmıştır
Elektrik malzeme üretim ve pazarlama alanındaki faaliyetini sürdüren Türk firması ‘Makel’, Rosco Şirketi’nin müşteri listesine dahil olmuştur
Elektrik malzeme üretim ve pazarlama alanındaki faaliyetini sürdüren Türk firması ‘Makel’, Rosco Şirketi’nin müşteri listesine dahil olmuştur
пятница, 11 июля 2014 г.
Компания «РосКо» аккредитована в качестве партнера ЮниКредит Банк
ЮниКредит Банк включил Компанию «РосКо» в список партнеров по программам кредитования малого и среднего бизнеса.
В июле 2014 года начато коммерческое взаимодействие с международной компанией «Primekss»
Компания «РосКо» начала оказание консалтинговых услуг в сфере юридической поддержки международного экспортера-производителя бетонных полов известной торговой марки Primekss
Китайская компания «Deli» вошла в список клиентов «РосКо»
Партнерство «РосКо» и «Deli» базируется на взаимовыгодном и перспективном сотрудничестве в сфере оказания юридических услуг иностранным организациям.
Компания «РосКо» стала «маяком» для Эстонского Морского Агентства в сфере ведения бизнеса на территории России
Компания «РосКо» стала «маяком» для Эстонского Морского Агентства в сфере ведения бизнеса на территории России
Компания «РосКо» взошла на финансово-экономический Олимп
2013 год стал для «РосКо» плодотворным в части обретения признания заслуг компании на международных мероприятиях, проводимых в России.
четверг, 10 июля 2014 г.
ФНС объясняет способ определения налоговой базы при продаже нежилой недвижимости
ФНС объясняет способ определения налоговой базы при продаже нежилой недвижимости
Подачу налоговой отчетности продлят на 5 или 10 дней, в зависимости от способа ее предоставления
Подачу налоговой отчетности продлят на 5 или 10 дней, в зависимости от способа ее предоставления
среда, 9 июля 2014 г.
Список клиентов «РосКо» пополнился компанией «Polen Tantuni»
Турецкая сеть ресторанов быстрого питания «Polen Tantuni» (http://www.polentantuni.com/) заключила контракт с компанией «РосКо» на оказание юридического и бухгалтерского сопровождения бизнеса в России.
Компания «РосКо» осуществляет профессиональное сопровождение деятельности «MNG GROUP» в России
«РосКо – Консалтинг и аудит» заключила контракт на оказание юридических услуг строительной компании группы «MNG», являющейся одним из крупнейших инвесторов в различных сферах бизнеса в Турции и за ее пределами.
Заключен контракт между «РосКо» и POLA Inc. на сопровождение коммерческой деятельности в РФ
«РосКо» начала взаимодействие с известнейшей японской косметической компанией POLA Inc., основанное на предоставлении квалифицированных юридических услуг в области сопровождения деятельности в России.
Mutually beneficial cooperation of “RosCo” with industrial enterprise “ODE” was started
Mutually beneficial cooperation of “RosCo” with industrial enterprise “ODE” was started
Turkish company manufacturing and selling “Makel” electrical appliances was included in the list of RosCo clients
Turkish company manufacturing and selling “Makel” electrical appliances was included in the list of RosCo clients
В июле 2014 года начато коммерческое взаимодействие с международной компанией «Primekss»
Компания «РосКо» начала оказание консалтинговых услуг в сфере юридической поддержки международного экспортера-производителя бетонных полов известной торговой марки Primekss (http://www.primekss.com/en/).
вторник, 8 июля 2014 г.
Группа компаний «Termikel» доверила юридическое сопровождение специалистам «РосКо»
4 июня 2014 года ознаменовано началом деятельности по контракту оказания юридических услуг концерну «Termikel» (http://www.termikel.com.tr/), в котором компания «РосКо» выступает в качестве профессионального консультанта в сфере ведения бизнеса иностранными организациями на территории РФ.
Начато взаимовыгодное сотрудничество компании «РосКо» с промышленным предприятием «ODE»
Стартовал бизнес-проект по осуществлению юридического консалтинга и бухгалтерского сопровождения российского отделения турецкой компании «ODE» (http://www.ode.com.tr/), основанной в 1988 году в Стамбуле.
понедельник, 7 июля 2014 г.
Турецкая компания по производству и продаже электротехнических приборов «Makel» вошла в список клиентов РосКо
Обширный перечень клиентов компании «РосКо» пополнился еще одной компанией. Группа предприятий «Makel» (www.makel.com.tr), известная потребителям с 1977 года, сделала выбор в пользу компетентности и опыта нашей юридической службы.
воскресенье, 6 июля 2014 г.
пятница, 4 июля 2014 г.
четверг, 3 июля 2014 г.
среда, 2 июля 2014 г.
УСН 15%: порядок уплаты минимального налога, а также перенос убытков на будущее
УСН 15%: порядок уплаты минимального налога, а также перенос убытков на будущее
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